Saturday, June 30, 2007

Her Foreplay...

She devoured and smeared herself red
Amongst the foyer of lifeless skulls she laughed
She plunged at the last drop of blood that trickled down
And he lay at her feet…silent…content

She moved around flaunting her nude body
Like a loose woman…
Her unkempt hair added to her charisma
And she looked down at the man she loved
And he lay at her feet…silent…content

She was stung by passion
And she became darker now
She spread her legs and took him in
The meteor struck…the galaxy hailed
And he lay at her feet…silent…content

The naked lady…Kali


Lethal said...


still life said...

u r a scary sex god no?!?!

Almitra said...

Hey....I am Not...SHE is the Tantric...what scared you?

Unknown said...

A morbid expression for many...She mocks the senses...upholds the truth...for many fail to see..the zenith...her time becoming...we always we know...

ARDHA4 said...

is it so easy to understand mother and mothers daughter..
let my lips kiss her feet
let my head bow in veneration of her daughter...
your flow of words is methadone to me which i keep reading again and again ..remember your sheep....none have seen the gist of your lines-- your words just now narrated the crux of creation the play of the non-volatile purush and volatile have definitely gained her grace,,,

who dares misery love,
and hug the forms of death
dance in destruction's dance
to him n her the mothers come

Almitra said...

I know i have my greatest reader in you Arnab...thank you for understanding my write...for thats what I am...I love you a lot bro :)