Monday, September 26, 2016

I come back to your world

Mute me, have me...relish me

I was on vacation where I bathed milk

Dressed in light and adorned my hair with small shells

But here I am back to you as you would have me only at night

When the world sleeps ...

You laugh, you mock you make me stand from where I cannot beckon

You touch me with your dirt and make me go futile

I breathe no more when you clench your fist on my heart to hear it louder than the night

Will you leave me, when I sleep, sleep my last

~ My Beloved Nightmares

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Don’t cage me, as born was I to soar

To narrate tales of wonderland

To sing to the robin and play the harp

Don’t cage me in the books
which would get me material gains

As born was I when the hands of light wrote a ballad on the chest of the earth

I was born to rhyme, born to sing 

Don’t cage me as I often look at the empty silent dark lanes

The whistles of a stranger and the clinking of cycle bells

They now remain with me, as me

~ Boy by the Window 

No words, no letters to write to you
Nay, you are not my reflection
Nor I am in love
My world has castles, some of brick and mortar and some of webbed minds
A brick broke the day when I met you
A ray lit , and I could peep
I could see the lavender fields
I wished to run there
I rather closed my eyes
The chains bruised my ankles as I happened to stretch more, out of the crevice that you made
I could see you writing something for a bird in flight
I leave you free, as you were free
I did not call you
I rather patch the crevice and go back to my lavender painted walls
I love to paint now, and lights offend me !

Sunday, September 18, 2016

There is something grey

Grey where the two bold colours of life meet

I am breathing there, as you made me breathe again

You made me write again

Grey where the rights and wrongs meet

Grey where I and You intersect

Grey as there is nothing common in the opposites, but its still one !

You asked me favourite color the other day...Its Grey now :)

~ Calm Almitra

I could face the cloud..this time better !!

3000 feet above sea level, penetrating, embracing and loving

I was face to face...amidst the mist .

Thursday, September 15, 2016

He said he was agile...he was slow

But so were the clouds above, a little agile and a bit more slow

And they carried in their bosoms, the drops from various seas

Saline and intense

Dark and full of life

And when they would burst all that could shower was Life !!

.... Dialogue with a Cloud !!