With darkness as my shroud & silence as my staff...
I paved across to the tomb...
Where my religion breathed its last moments...
Do not make me laugh as you speak about the dead, the dead in me....
We all crouched & bent down to the sermon
As the shaft of eternity touched us…immortality is what I asked
The platter was full now…the alms were given
The degenerated shreds of soul moved in a flux…
A fistful of earth and some threads of woven linen
I had to suffice for the rest of my life…..
Amy inched slowly to the edge of the roof
looking down at the street far below.
It seems much easier jumping and dying
than living in the hell that she knows.
Every turn taken on the path she has walked
has led straight to this roof and despair.
Just one more step and peace will be hers
and no longer will she have to care.
She tries to remember crossing that line,
of giving in and deciding to die,
but stirring up that pain in her heart
just makes her break down and cry.
As soon as she jumped, she wanted to live
and panicking started to scream.
She woke up startled, scared half to death
and happy it had been a bad dream.
So many times she prayed to her God
to help her just lay down and die.
She accused Him of not answering prayers,
but now, she understands why.
The deep cravens shutter..life beholding with mercy..the soul breathing beyond desire....vehementing silently on the left overs...
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